Lori, my favorite little jewelry maker tagged me on this survey. Here goes!
The rules of the game are:
1) Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog
2) Share 7 facts about yourself, some random, some weird
3) Tag 7 more people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
4) Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs
FACT NUMBER 1I cannot stomach using the end of tp in public restrooms. I have to tear it off and toss it so I'm not using tp someone may have touched. {I know, weird, huh?}
FACT NUMBER 2I like mystery/sleuth shows and movies, as well as chick flicks. Odd combo. Oh, and I hate stupid humor {i.e. dumb & dumber}.
FACT NUMBER 3I'm a major night owl and pretty much force myself to go to bed each night {tired or not} and then have trouble getting up every morning. Ugh.
FACT NUMBER 4Mike's the only dude I ever dated. {I'm like you, Lori!}
FACT NUMBER 5I dislike talking on the phone, yet worked as a switchboard operator for a year and now am a receptionist.
FACT NUMBER 6I love love love coffee. I'm a coffee snob. I like the expensive mochas. I do drink regular coffee {with some creamer} if it's all I've got.
FACT NUMBER 7I enjoy baking, but don't really like cooking. Unfortunately, my husband's tastes are about the opposite.
Totally tagging:
GinaSandyShantel {cuz then she'll
have to post}
PS I have the hiccups {again} and they hurt.