

My dear friend's hubby is in Iraq. For the second time. The first time they're 1st son was born. (He'll be 4 this month.) This time they have 2 little ones. They are the 'rents of Ki's girlfriend who's 1.5. Needless to say, Jess has her hands full! If you think of my buddy, say a prayer for their sweet family. They could use it. (Hopefully he'll be home in a few months!) In the mean time I came across this today. It totally made me think of her. And cracks me up. The color is even perfect. Too bad they don't sell prints...

Love you JP!


Anonymous said...

I can't read it!!!

Mandi said...

Hehe, this is way cute!

I still can't click on any links outside of your middle column... MAkes me sad cause I liked to hop around on your blog list

Mandi said...

your other links finally work for me!! What changed?