
who's your daddy

Mandi over at 3 lil monkeys is having a contest. Go check it out! You could win a sweet little t. Hurry though, it ends tomorrow. :)


Mandi said...

Haha - ok I read this like 20 minutes ago and left and just came back and I just NOW "get" the title! I was like "what the heck does that have to do with a contest?" But ahhhh, daddy, and daddy on my shirt. Gotcha. Yeah, I'm slow. Fake or not, I'm still blond

Mandi said...

Grr! Ok I just went through THREE capcha things typing in what I THOUGHT were the correct letters. Come on people, I know you're trying to ward off bots, but at least make the letters legible!!

Caitlin said...

Totally agree about those! Maybe I should take them off and just delete the spammy comments...